As part of the activities of the project team comprised of specialists in water and nutrition initiate the stage of coordination and presentation of the project to local authorities, health centers and local authorities in the municipalities of San Borja, San Ignacio de Moxos, San Ramon, San Joaquin and Santa Ana de Yacuma the department […]
Sunday 7 June 2015.- On the World Environment Day which is celebrated every June 5 Sumaj Huasi Foundation “For healthy housing” and Intervida EDUCO, organized the Fair “For Life and Environment” to raise awareness the community about the care of nature, held at the Central Kupini Zone, an event that is part of the activities […]
Delivery of certificates to the families of the city of El Alto who participated in the course “Ecological Sanitation and Healthy Housing” by the Sumaj Huasi Foundation “For the Healthy Housing” through Extension coverage project sustainable sanitation decentralized PNODO II, with funding from the Swedish Embassy.
As part of the activities of “PROJECT ACCESS TO WATER, SANITATION SUSTAINABLE AND PRACTICES KEY HYGIENE” in the municipality of Loreto, San Andres, San Javier and Trinidad in the Beni Department, they have conducted training workshops through home to family visits, on issues related to water quality, healthy hygiene practices (hand washing with soap, proper […]
Last Friday took delivery of ecological family health modules to families in the area on May 30 in El Alto, with much hullabaloo we proceeded to the traditional challa organized by the beneficiaries. The event presented a drama family member called “Environment and Ecological my bathroom” which showed the benefits of ecological sanitation. Are 38 […]
La Paz, June 9, 2015.– Neighbors street December 25 of the Valley of Flowers area of the city of La Paz, were affected by the rupture of a pipeline, affecting approximately 20 houses and leaving water to the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. John Mark Tenorio, a resident of Valle de Las Flores tells us what […]
The Sumaj Huasi Foundation “For Healthy Housing” and Intervida EDUCO through Project health prevention and care of the environment in four districts of Macro District San Antonio participated in the Inter Fair “Red Macro District of Children and Families” which is part of Sumaj Huasi. The event was held at the Education Unit Delia Gambarte […]
Outstanding participation of Sumaj Huasi Foundation “For healthy housing” in the “Workshop Seminar Analysis Technology and Management Models in Water Services and Sanitation for dispersed rural populations” I held in Lima, on 2 and 3 December 2015 . The exhibition was in charge of Mr. Oscar Suntura Yujra, Executive Director of Sumaj Huasi the theme “Best […]
Amid drought and lack of water, both potable and for irrigation, are communities Ckellu Ckocha, Sijllani and San Isidro, located in the municipality of Betanzos of the city of Potosi, where required urgent measures to improve the quality of life of 100 families living in these three places. Whereas one of the most critical problems […]
The technical area of the Sumaj Huasi Foundation proceeded to the renovation of health systems in educational units Sergio Mauricio Villegas A and B, Villa Callapa, Delia Gambarte A and B, Armando Escobar Uria, 24 June and Child Jesus, achieving benefit a approximately 3,185 students and teaching staff. Initially it became a technical diagnosis of […]