Environmental promoters were trained in water issues, bodycare, Environment, Waste Management, Sanitation and Integrated Risk Management. The largest number of developers is concentrated in the student population of 8 educational units of the primary and secondary levels, neighborhood developers to add approximately 40 people from the Callapa, Kupini and Valley of Flowers areas.

These children, youth and adults were trained by staff Sumaj Huasi Foundation on environmental issues, to strengthen their knowledge made visits to Plant Water Treatment Social Public Company for Water and Sanitation (EPSAS) located in the area Pampahasi and Plant organic waste treatment Ecosan the Transfer Center Tecniologías (CTT – FSH) which has been transferred experience in ecological sanitation, treatment of solid and liquid waste from the composting toilets, food production grown with organic fertilizers ecosan in solar tents, proper disposal of gray water through uptake biojardineras and water harvesting.

Meanwhile Marina Davalos, Social Responsible for Sumaj Huasi stated that the method for training environmental promoters was participiativo playful taking encuenta from previous experiences in the city of El Alto, “have innovated a variety of games and educational material so that young people can assimilate the contents of the issues already mentioned, I descata also we have appropriate topics to games of yesteryear such as tunkuña a game that has adequate with hand washing, the game of the evaluation roulette focusing on the theme Waste management and Sanitation, has been implemented in the training materials teatr characters who spread messages on Environment and Solid Waste management aimed at primary school children “stated Davalos.

One of the activities where the main protagonists were the Environmental Promoters was in the “Days Playing Educational learn and take care of my Environment” developed in educational units where the promoters conveyed their acquired knowledge to the student population and teaching staff.

Environmental Promoters also participated in approximately 15 information fairs in the intervention areas where their participation was highlighted by that made it to the neighbors with information about how we care for our health and the environment, neighborhood advocates played an important role in this process of sensibilisation neighbors after conducting home visits with workshops on solid waste management and safe water consumption.

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